bbcscheduleA command that lists the schedule for a BBC radio stationnjw4 years
gemrb-gameinstallersInstallers for GemRB gamesnjw13 years
gethtGetHT Hinduism Today downloader (mirror of savannah copy)njw15 years
getxbookA collection of tools to download books from websitesnjw14 months
njw-gentoo-localLocal Gentoo overlaynjw13 years
njw-websiteSource code for the websitenjw14 years
njw-website-sourceOld source code for the websitenjw15 years
oed2dictScripts to convert the Oxford English Dictionary into the jargon and DICT format...njw8 months
readability-simpleA simplified version of arc90's readability for local usenjw
simplyreadMakes webpages more readablenjw10 years
spoutA simple caveflying gamenjw14 years
tkreadA simple tcl/tk pagernjw10 years
weatherA command that prints the weather forecast for a location, using either the Met ...njw3 years