diff options
authorNick White <>2013-10-21 18:09:59 +0100
committerNick White <>2013-10-21 18:09:59 +0100
commitc3645c967a7998cb73d81b8065bc305c906e83f2 (patch)
parent59e3ac9d9d30dce62b2f68643244bea9afb59eca (diff)
Add some markdown processing
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tkread b/tkread
index 8c5d318..e607bf8 100755
--- a/tkread
+++ b/tkread
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
# Usage: tkread [-w]
# -w rewrap lines
+# The markdown parsing is inspired by the code of smu:
+# <>
# - justify text (not simple; see
# - add a basic search function
@@ -13,6 +16,13 @@ set fontsize 20
set colour #333333
set inverted 0
set drag 0
+set tagnum 0
+set surroundfmt { \
+ {"***" "bold italic"} \
+ {"**" "bold"} \
+ {"*" "italic"} \
+ }
package require Tk
@@ -24,12 +34,65 @@ proc rewrap {text} {
return [regsub -all {\n\n\n} $better "\n"]
+# This uses marks before tags, as they handle deletions fine, so
+# marks can be made and then the formatting characters can be
+# deleted without affecting the position for formatting.
+proc markup {widget} {
+ global surroundfmt
+ global fontsize
+ global tagnum
+ foreach fmt $surroundfmt {
+ set searchchar [lindex $fmt 0]
+ set fmtstring [lindex $fmt 1]
+ set searchlen [string length $searchchar]
+ set insection 0
+ set cur ""
+ set markonnum 0
+ set markoffnum 0
+ set cur [$widget search $searchchar 0.0 end]
+ while {$cur != ""} {
+ if {$insection == 0} {
+ set insection 1
+ $widget mark set markon_$markonnum $cur
+ incr markonnum
+ } else {
+ set insection 0
+ $widget mark set markoff_$markoffnum $cur
+ incr markoffnum
+ }
+ $widget delete $cur "$cur + $searchlen chars"
+ set cur [$widget search "$searchchar" $cur end]
+ }
+ # ignore any final mismatched mark
+ if {$markonnum != $markoffnum } {
+ set markonnum $markoffnum
+ }
+ for {set x 0} {$x < $markonnum} {incr x} {
+ $widget tag add tag_$tagnum markon_$x markoff_$x
+ }
+ $widget tag configure tag_$tagnum -font "Times $fontsize $fmtstring"
+ incr tagnum
+ }
proc changeFontSize {change} {
global fontsize
+ global surroundfmt
+ global tagnum
set newsize [expr $fontsize $change]
if {$newsize > 0} {
set fontsize $newsize
.t configure -font "Times $fontsize" -padx [expr $fontsize * 3] -spacing2 [expr [font metrics "Times $fontsize" -linespace] / 4]
+ for {set x 0} {$x < $tagnum} {incr x} {
+ set fmtstring [lindex [lindex $surroundfmt $x] 1]
+ .t tag configure tag_$x -font "Times $fontsize $fmtstring"
+ }
@@ -69,6 +132,7 @@ if { $::argc > 0 && [lindex $::argv 0] == "-w" } {
set text [rewrap $text]
.t insert end $text
+markup .t
.t configure -state disabled ;# disable cursor
bind . <Up> {scroll -1 unit}