diff options
authorNick White <>2013-10-21 18:00:40 +0100
committerNick White <>2013-10-21 18:00:40 +0100
commit59e3ac9d9d30dce62b2f68643244bea9afb59eca (patch)
Initial commit
1 files changed, 97 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tkread b/tkread
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8c5d318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tkread
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# Usage: tkread [-w]
+# -w rewrap lines
+# TODO:
+# - justify text (not simple; see
+# - add a basic search function
+# - add function to type 30g to scroll 30% through an article
+# - if window width is small, reduce padx space
+# - make scrolling using mouse work even when text area isn't hovered over (also note this sort of scrolling doesn't update the title); integrate the MouseWheel event with scroll. this *should* also fix the issue of dragging and then leaving the window, as the strange scrolling is likely caused by related default behaviour
+set fontsize 20
+set colour #333333
+set inverted 0
+set drag 0
+package require Tk
+proc rewrap {text} {
+ set wrapped [regsub -all {\n([^\n])} $text { \1}]
+ set spaced [regsub -all { *} $wrapped { }]
+ set better [regsub -all {\n *} $spaced "\n"]
+ set better [regsub -all {\n} $better "\n\n"]
+ return [regsub -all {\n\n\n} $better "\n"]
+proc changeFontSize {change} {
+ global fontsize
+ set newsize [expr $fontsize $change]
+ if {$newsize > 0} {
+ set fontsize $newsize
+ .t configure -font "Times $fontsize" -padx [expr $fontsize * 3] -spacing2 [expr [font metrics "Times $fontsize" -linespace] / 4]
+ }
+proc invertColours {} {
+ global inverted colour
+ if {$inverted} {
+ set inverted 0
+ .t configure -bg white -fg $colour
+ . configure -bg #f8f8f5
+ } else {
+ set inverted 1
+ .t configure -bg $colour -fg #eeeeee
+ . configure -bg #222222
+ }
+proc scroll {dir amount} {
+ .t yview scroll $dir $amount
+ set percent [expr [lindex [.t yview] 1] * 100]
+ set rough [regsub {\..*} $percent {}]
+ wm title . "tkread $rough%"
+proc doMotion {ypos} {
+ global lasty
+ if { $lasty != -1 } {
+ scroll [expr $lasty - $ypos] pixels
+ }
+ set lasty $ypos
+. configure -bg #f8f8f5
+text .t -font "Times $fontsize" -wrap word -width 64 -padx [expr $fontsize * 3] -bg white -fg $colour -spacing2 [expr [font metrics "Times $fontsize" -linespace] / 4] -relief flat -inactiveselectbackground {} -cursor {}
+pack .t -expand yes -fill y
+set text [read stdin]
+if { $::argc > 0 && [lindex $::argv 0] == "-w" } {
+ set text [rewrap $text]
+.t insert end $text
+.t configure -state disabled ;# disable cursor
+bind . <Up> {scroll -1 unit}
+bind . <k> {scroll -1 unit}
+bind . <Down> {scroll 1 unit}
+bind . <j> {scroll 1 unit}
+bind . <Prior> {scroll -1 page}
+bind . <Shift-space> {scroll -1 page}
+bind . <Left> {scroll -1 page}
+bind . <b> {scroll -1 page}
+bind . <K> {scroll -1 page}
+bind . <Next> {scroll 1 page}
+bind . <space> {scroll 1 page}
+bind . <Right> {scroll 1 page}
+bind . <J> {scroll 1 page}
+bind . <Home> {.t yview moveto 0}
+bind . <End> {.t yview moveto 1}
+bind . <equal> {changeFontSize +5}
+bind . <minus> {changeFontSize -5}
+bind . <plus> {changeFontSize +1}
+bind . <underscore> {changeFontSize -1}
+bind . <v> {invertColours}
+bind . <q> {exit}
+bind . <ButtonPress-1> {set drag 1; set lasty -1}
+bind . <ButtonRelease-1> {set drag 0}
+bind . <Motion> {if {$drag} { doMotion %y } }