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authorNick White <>2015-05-21 12:33:27 +0100
committerNick White <>2015-05-21 12:33:27 +0100
commit7a0d5cba3fba1858b8b70f05ce017b0e46cb4bdc (patch)
parent55c3c58564dedc20ba86a55eaa7a60f831875bb4 (diff)
Scale images down if they can't fit in the text area
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tkread b/tkread
index 12d4908..e6c7c87 100755
--- a/tkread
+++ b/tkread
@@ -327,6 +327,40 @@ proc changeFontSize {change} {
.t tag configure prefix_$x -font "{$fontfamily} [expr $fontsize + $fmtsizemod] $fmtstring"
+ scaleImages
+proc reduceImageIfNeeded {img maxwidth} {
+ set curwidth [image width $img]
+ if {$curwidth > $maxwidth} {
+ set t [image create photo]
+ $t copy $img
+ $img blank
+ set zoom [expr round($curwidth.0 / $maxwidth)]
+ $img copy $t -shrink -subsample $zoom
+ image delete $t
+ }
+proc scaleImages {} {
+ global fontfamily
+ global fontsize
+ foreach img [.t image names] {
+ # note width is 64 * (width of '0' char)
+ set charwidth [font measure "{$fontfamily} $fontsize" "0"]
+ set maxwidth [expr $charwidth * 64]
+ set curwidth [image width $img]
+ if {$curwidth < $maxwidth} {
+ # re-load the image as it may have been shrunk
+ # TODO: could make this more efficient by keeping track of which images actually have been shrunk
+ # TODO: also should keep copies of the original image in memory
+ puts "$curwidth < $maxwidth"
+ set f [$img cget -file]
+ $img read $f
+ }
+ reduceImageIfNeeded $img $maxwidth
+ }
proc invertColours {} {
@@ -378,6 +412,7 @@ if { $domarkdown } {
markup .t
.t configure -state disabled ;# disable text insertion & cursor
bind . <Up> {scroll -1 unit}
bind . <k> {scroll -1 unit}