path: root/src/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2010-05-19Switched to simpler build system, and fixed bugsNick White
Now there's a proper build system in place, which is actually simple enough to understand. I also fixed plenty of warnings about the code (reminding me how badly I knew C when I wrote this). Hinduism today aren't indexing their new issues using the index file I was sourcing any more, so I don't expect to fix any more bugs or improve this much.
2008-05-03Corrected minor make errorNick White
(from last commit - not sure if it went smoothly) Altered name of issuepath config variable to savepath, in config.ini as well as code Altered name of issue_xml config variable to toc_xml Removed unnecessary variable definitions from header (new commit) Corrected introduced Makefile error Added (currently unused) config options structure git-archimport-id:
2008-05-03Changed a couple of configuration variable namesNick White
Altered name of issuepath config variable to savepath, in config.ini as well as code Altered name of issue_xml config variable to toc_xml Removed unnecessary variable definitions from header git-archimport-id:
2008-04-03Removed all media handling codeNick White
This patch has no new features. It just removes all of the media handling code. It was proving too hard to maintain, and lots of it is now available at the website anyway. git-archimport-id:
2007-05-03Added a script to ease releases, improved cli interfaceNick White
Added the script Modified and added options to allow easy downloading of single issues and media files Moved functions outputting to the command line to cli.c Added a verbose flag git-archimport-id:
2007-05-03Added Autotools, changed dir structure, added docsNick White
Added (perhaps somewhat shaky) autotools support Added tagging rules to junkify files generated by autotools Added a directory structure Updated README & INSTALL files to reflect changes Wrote a man page Changed version numbers in preparation for a release git-archimport-id: