#!/usr/bin/tclsh # Requires Tk and Img packages (tk and libtk-img in Debian) # # Copyright 2013-2014 Nick White , released under the ISC License # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. set usage {tkread [-w] [-m] -w rewrap lines -m format markdown text} # The markdown parsing is inspired by the code of smu: # # # TODO: # - `` wrapping code (eg make monospace) # - bug: regular [square brackets] have the opening bracket removed # - rewrap after markdown processing (or just rewrap more smartly), so that things like underlines aren't screwed up by it # - justify text (not simple; see http://wiki.tcl.tk/1774) # - add a basic search function # - add function to type 30g to scroll 30% through an article # - if window width is small, reduce padx space # - make scrolling using mouse work even when text area isn't hovered over (also note this sort of scrolling doesn't update the title); integrate the MouseWheel event with scroll. this *should* also fix the issue of dragging and then leaving the window, as the strange scrolling is likely caused by related default behaviour # - add more markdown processing set fontfamily {Linux Libertine O} set fontsize 11 set textcolour #443322 set bgcolour #eeeee2 set outercolour #222222 set selectbgcolour #ffffff set inverttextcolour #eeeeee set invertbgcolour #333030 set invertoutercolour #222222 set width 64 set inverted 0 set drag 0 set tagnum 0 set underlinenum 0 set prefixnum 0 set domarkdown 0 set surroundfmt { \ {"***" "0" "bold italic"} \ {"**" "0" "bold"} \ {"*" "0" "italic"} \ } set underlinefmt { \ {"=" "6" ""} \ {"-" "3" "italic"} \ } set prefixfmt { \ {"# " "6" ""} \ {"## " "3" "italic"} \ {"### " "1" "italic"} \ {"#### " "0" "italic"} \ {"##### " "0" "italic"} \ {"###### " "0" "italic"} \ } set listitems { \ {\* *} \ {- *} \ {\+ *} \ } # Using low asterisk so it isn't interpreted as markdown later set replacements { \ {{^\* \* \* \* \*$} "―"} \ {{\\$} ""} \ {{\\\$} "$"} \ {{\\\*} "⁎"} \ {{\\#} "#"} \ {{\\_} "_"} \ } array set imgcache {} array set imgshrunk {} if { $::argc > 0 && [lindex $::argv 0] == "-h" } { puts "Usage: $usage" exit } package require Tk package require Img proc rewrap {text} { set wrapped [regsub -all {\n([^\n])} $text { \1}] set spaced [regsub -all { *} $wrapped { }] set better [regsub -all {\n *} $spaced "\n"] set better [regsub -all {\n} $better "\n\n"] return [regsub -all {\n\n\n} $better "\n"] } # Moves char part of a text widget index (linenum.charnum) proc indexmovechar {str moveby} { set dotindex [string first . $str] set charnum [string range $str [expr $dotindex + 1] end] set linenum [string range $str 0 [expr $dotindex - 1]] return $linenum.[expr $charnum $moveby] } # Moves line part of a text widget index (linenum.charnum) proc indexmoveline {str moveby} { set dotindex [string first . $str] set charnum [string range $str [expr $dotindex + 1] end] set linenum [string range $str 0 [expr $dotindex - 1]] return [expr $linenum $moveby].$charnum } # TODO: move each section into their own procedures proc markup {widget} { global fontfamily global fontsize global surroundfmt global underlinefmt global prefixfmt global listitems global replacements global tagnum global underlinenum global prefixnum global imgcache global imgshrunk # process replacements foreach item $replacements { set searchfor [lindex $item 0] set replacement [lindex $item 1] set cur [$widget search -count len -regex "$searchfor" 0.0 end] while {$cur != ""} { $widget replace $cur [indexmovechar $cur "+ $len"] "$replacement" set cur [$widget search -regex "$searchfor" $cur end] } } # process images set cur [$widget search {![} 0.0 end] while {$cur != ""} { set altstart [indexmovechar $cur "+ 2"] set cur [$widget search "](" $cur end] if {$cur == ""} { break } set altend $cur set srcstart [indexmovechar $cur "+ 2"] set cur [$widget search ")" $cur end] if {$cur == ""} { break } set srcend $cur set alt [$widget get $altstart $altend] set src [$widget get $srcstart $srcend] # sometimes "title" tags are encoded after a space following the source, enclosed in "" set imgtitlestart [string first " " $src] if {$imgtitlestart != -1} { set imgtitle [string trim [string range $src $imgtitlestart end] {" }] set src [string range $src 0 [expr $imgtitlestart - 1] ] } else { set imgtitle "" } $widget delete [indexmovechar $altstart "- 2"] [indexmovechar $srcend "+ 1"] set insertion [indexmovechar $altstart "- 2"] set localfile [file tail $src] if { [file exists $localfile] && ! [catch { set curimg [image create photo -file $localfile] }] } { set imgcache($curimg) [image create photo] $imgcache($curimg) copy $curimg set imgshrunk($curimg) 0 $widget image create $insertion -image $curimg -align baseline set cur $insertion } else { $widget insert $insertion $alt set cur [indexmovechar $insertion "+ [string length $alt]"] } set insertion [indexmoveline $insertion "+ 1"] if {[string length $imgtitle] != 0} { $widget insert $insertion "${imgtitle}\n" } set cur [$widget search {![} $cur end] } # remove links # TODO: search for ]( and then work back to find the [, as otherwise false positives occur when something like 'strike[s] him' is encountered # TODO: save the link contents and allow the links to be shown / hidden with a keystroke set cur [$widget search {[} 0.0 end] while {$cur != ""} { set altstart [indexmovechar $cur "+ 1"] set cur [$widget search "](" $cur end] if {$cur == ""} { break } set altend $cur set srcstart [indexmovechar $cur "+ 2"] set cur [$widget search ")" $cur end] if {$cur == ""} { break } set srcend $cur set alt [$widget get $altstart $altend] set src [$widget get $srcstart $srcend] $widget delete $altend [indexmovechar $srcend "+ 1"] $widget delete [indexmovechar $altstart "- 1"] $altstart set cur [indexmovechar $altend "- 1"] set cur [$widget search {[} $cur end] } # process underlined headings foreach fmt $underlinefmt { set searchchar [lindex $fmt 0] set fmtsizemod [lindex $fmt 1] set fmtstring [lindex $fmt 2] set cur [$widget search -regexp "^$searchchar$searchchar*\$" 0.0 end] while {$cur != ""} { set dotindex [string first . $cur] set linenum [string range $cur 0 [expr $dotindex - 1]] $widget tag add underline_$underlinenum [expr $linenum - 1].0 $linenum.end $widget delete $linenum.0 [expr $linenum + 1].0 set cur [$widget search -regexp "^$searchchar$searchchar*\$" [expr $linenum + 1].0 end] } $widget tag configure underline_$underlinenum -font "{$fontfamily} [expr $fontsize + $fmtsizemod] $fmtstring" incr underlinenum } # process line prefixes foreach fmt $prefixfmt { set searchchar [lindex $fmt 0] set fmtsizemod [lindex $fmt 1] set fmtstring [lindex $fmt 2] set cur [$widget search -regexp "^$searchchar" 0.0 end] while {$cur != ""} { set dotindex [string first . $cur] set linenum [string range $cur 0 [expr $dotindex - 1]] $widget tag add prefix_$prefixnum $linenum.0 $linenum.end $widget delete $linenum.0 $linenum.[string length $searchchar] set cur [$widget search -regexp "^$searchchar" [expr $linenum + 1].0 end] } $widget tag configure prefix_$prefixnum -font "{$fontfamily} [expr $fontsize + $fmtsizemod] $fmtstring" incr prefixnum } # process surrounds (bold, italic, and some headers) # This uses marks before tags, as they handle deletions fine, so # marks can be made and then the formatting characters can be # deleted without affecting the position for formatting # (should try just tags as they may still work). foreach fmt $surroundfmt { set searchchar [lindex $fmt 0] set fmtsizemod [lindex $fmt 1] set fmtstring [lindex $fmt 2] set searchlen [string length $searchchar] set insection 0 set cur "" set markonnum 0 set markoffnum 0 set cur [$widget search $searchchar 0.0 end] while {$cur != ""} { if {$insection == 0} { set insection 1 $widget mark set markon_$markonnum $cur incr markonnum } else { set insection 0 $widget mark set markoff_$markoffnum $cur incr markoffnum } $widget delete $cur "$cur + $searchlen chars" set cur [$widget search "$searchchar" $cur end] } # ignore any final mismatched mark if {$markonnum != $markoffnum } { set markonnum $markoffnum } for {set x 0} {$x < $markonnum} {incr x} { $widget tag add tag_$tagnum markon_$x markoff_$x } $widget tag configure tag_$tagnum -font "{$fontfamily} [expr $fontsize + $fmtsizemod] $fmtstring" incr tagnum } # process lists foreach item $listitems { set cur [$widget search -count len -regexp "^$item" 0.0 end] while {$cur != ""} { set dotindex [string first . $cur] set linenum [string range $cur 0 [expr $dotindex - 1]] $widget replace $linenum.0 $linenum.$len "• " set cur [$widget search -regexp "^$item" $cur end] } } } proc changeFontSize {change} { global fontfamily global fontsize global surroundfmt global tagnum global underlinefmt global underlinenum global prefixfmt global prefixnum set newsize [expr $fontsize $change] if {$newsize > 0} { set fontsize $newsize .t configure -font "{$fontfamily} $fontsize" -padx [expr $fontsize * 3] for {set x 0} {$x < $tagnum} {incr x} { set fmtstring [lindex [lindex $surroundfmt $x] 2] set fmtsizemod [lindex [lindex $surroundfmt $x] 1] .t tag configure tag_$x -font "{$fontfamily} [expr $fontsize + $fmtsizemod] $fmtstring" } for {set x 0} {$x < $underlinenum} {incr x} { set fmtstring [lindex [lindex $underlinefmt $x] 2] set fmtsizemod [lindex [lindex $underlinefmt $x] 1] .t tag configure underline_$x -font "{$fontfamily} [expr $fontsize + $fmtsizemod] $fmtstring" } for {set x 0} {$x < $prefixnum} {incr x} { set fmtstring [lindex [lindex $prefixfmt $x] 2] set fmtsizemod [lindex [lindex $prefixfmt $x] 1] .t tag configure prefix_$x -font "{$fontfamily} [expr $fontsize + $fmtsizemod] $fmtstring" } } scaleImages } proc reduceImageIfNeeded {img maxwidth} { global imgshrunk set curwidth [image width $img] if {$curwidth > $maxwidth} { set zoom [expr int(ceil($curwidth.0 / $maxwidth))] if {$zoom > 1} { set t [image create photo] $t copy $img $img blank $img copy $t -shrink -subsample $zoom image delete $t set imgshrunk($img) 1 } } } proc scaleImages {} { global fontfamily global fontsize global imgcache global imgshrunk foreach img [.t image names] { set charwidth [font measure "{$fontfamily} $fontsize" "0"] set maxwidth [expr $charwidth * $width] set curwidth [image width $img] if {$curwidth < $maxwidth} { if { $imgshrunk($img) == 1 } { $img copy $imgcache($img) set imgshrunk($img) 0 } } reduceImageIfNeeded $img $maxwidth } } proc invertColours {} { global inverted global bgcolour textcolour outercolour global invertbgcolour inverttextcolour invertoutercolour if {$inverted} { set inverted 0 .t configure -bg $bgcolour -fg $textcolour . configure -bg $outercolour } else { set inverted 1 .t configure -bg $invertbgcolour -fg $inverttextcolour . configure -bg $invertoutercolour } } proc scroll {dir amount} { .t yview scroll $dir $amount set percent [expr [lindex [.t yview] 1] * 100] set rough [regsub {\..*} $percent {}] wm title . "tkread $rough%" } proc doMotion {ypos} { global lasty if { $lasty != -1 } { scroll [expr $lasty - $ypos] pixels } set lasty $ypos } if { [lsearch [font families] "$fontfamily"] == -1 } { # A font called "Times" is guaranteed by Tk to be available set fontfamily Times } . configure -bg $outercolour text .t -font "{$fontfamily} $fontsize" -wrap word -width $width -padx [expr $fontsize * 3] -bg $bgcolour -fg $textcolour -relief flat -inactiveselectbackground $selectbgcolour pack .t -expand yes -fill y set text [read stdin] foreach arg $::argv { switch $arg { -w { set text [rewrap $text] } -m { set domarkdown 1 } } } .t insert end $text if { $domarkdown } { markup .t } .t configure -state disabled ;# disable text insertion & cursor scaleImages bind . {scroll -1 unit} bind . {scroll -1 unit} bind . {scroll 1 unit} bind . {scroll 1 unit} bind . {scroll -1 page} bind . {scroll -1 page} bind . {scroll -1 page} bind . {scroll -1 page} bind . {scroll -1 page} bind . {scroll 1 page} bind . {scroll 1 page} bind . {scroll 1 page} bind . {scroll 1 page} bind . {.t yview moveto 0} bind . {.t yview moveto 1} bind . {changeFontSize +5} bind . {changeFontSize -5} bind . {changeFontSize +1} bind . {changeFontSize -1} bind . {invertColours} bind . {exit} bind . {set drag 1; set lasty -1} bind . {set drag 0} bind . {if {$drag} { doMotion %y } } bind .t {set drag 0} ;# so text selection can span lines properly