gecko: finish update support. this means use tool to sign mozilla thing once it's working look into using rapper and bourne shell script to sign this is difficult as mozilla wants the signature of a very particular serialisation of the update rdf,_Update_and_Compatibility#Update_RDF_Format openssl dgst -sha512 -binary -sign private.pem web/gecko-updates.rdf i'm pretty sure generates the correct signature. however it then has to be encoded, using asn1/der & base64. also, according to the docs only the hash is signed/hashed, whereas it looks like the whole (particularly serialised) rdf is used by uhura test: current tests test the keyboard shortcut, by sending an event; e=document.createEvent(... e.initEvent(... e.keyCode = ... document.body.dispatchEvent(e) window.close directly after logging to the console make tests for chromium and firefox engines # wishlist # gecko: it would be nice to use the svg icon directly (smaller, faster, neater) firefox doesn't render the font correctly, or automatically set the size (bug numbers) doesn't work for main addon icon (only toolbar) (bug number?) get working with firefox mobile chromium: it would be nice to use the svg icon directly (smaller, faster, neater) currently not supported (bug number?) would be nice to have permission warning reflect the fact that no disk or network activity is done; that this is self-contained and lovely. unfortunately it isn't fine-grained enough, and we need all "tabs" permission to inject the script into any page