add to documentation that it doesn't make any network calls at all, unlike similars, preserving privacy, increasing speed, and allowing offline usage looks like chromium sees a syntax error that isn't there in options.html. must be a weird encoding thing. this results in sometimes failure with setting options. before 1.0! consider license change to isc web: websummary should show git clone - bug everything should be gzipped core: disable all other scripts - lots of tracking horrors around now, e.g. h-online and nytimes have things which report back every time you click the mouse. have left and right padding shrink if in small window make: gzip things in web/ chromium: look at content_security_policy to tighten extension manifest lots generate appid for use in update xml see GenerateId in of chrome for how it works gecko: use rapper and bourne shell script to sign this is difficult as mozilla wants the signature of a very particular serialisation of the update rdf,_Update_and_Compatibility#Update_RDF_Format openssl dgst -sha512 -binary -sign private.pem web/gecko-updates.rdf i'm pretty sure generates the correct signature. however it then has to be encoded, using asn1/der & base64. also, according to the docs only the hash is signed/hashed, whereas it looks like the whole (particularly serialised) rdf is used by uhura make bootstrappable this could easily get messy, so might not be worth it. startup: - add a resource:// alias so scripts can be referenced - add simplyread.js and viable.js to all documents - add a listener to nsIWindowMediator onOpenWindow. - get this listener to inject simplyread.js and viable.js, using their resource:// urls into new documents - add a listener to tab changing, to retrigger viable test shutdown: - remove these two from all documents - remove listeners - remove any addon bar things call simplyread() properly, rather than patching it with the preferences stuff add fennec support - 'electrolysis' may require modifications test (currently outdated): current tests test the keyboard shortcut, by sending an event; e=document.createEvent(... e.initEvent(... e.keyCode = ... document.body.dispatchEvent(e) window.close directly after logging to the console make tests for chromium and firefox engines # wishlist # gecko: it would be nice to use the svg icon directly (smaller, faster, neater) firefox doesn't render the font correctly (can't find bug; test more then report it) doesn't automatically set the size ( - may be workaroundable by setting class of the image to toolbarbutton-1) doesn't work for main addon icon (only toolbar) (can't find bug; test more then report it) chromium: it would be nice to use the svg icon directly (smaller, faster, neater) currently not supported ( get the following error: [] Extension error: Package is invalid. Details: 'Could not decode theme image.' would be nice to have permission warning reflect the fact that no disk or network activity is done; that this is self-contained and lovely. unfortunately it isn't fine-grained enough, and we need all "tabs" permission to inject the script into any page