#!/bin/sed -f # unfortunately they use latin-1 rather than ascii... # note \x is a gnu extension s/\xA3/£/g # seemingly unneeded control characters s/&ff[0-9];//g s/xxff0//g s/xxff3//g # corresponds to a quote s//\n\n/g # quote text start and end points s//“/g s/<\/qt>/”/g # new paragraph s/∥/\n\n/g # a date s///g s/<\/d>/:/g # brackets s/&obr;/{/g s/&cbr;/}/g # space s/ / /g # superscript s// /g s/<\/sup>//g # xNNNN codes (unknown what the NNNN refers to; not unicode) s//`/g s//'/g s//-/g s//../g