# All symbols can be represented either as &symbol; or _symbol_ so
# parse these with symbolstosed to create sed rules.

# A large list of these in Help/Advanced/symbols.htm

# punctuation
revsc ·

# Ligature digraphs
Oe Œ
oe œ

# Phonetic symbols
ccedpr θ
edhpr ð
fata ɑ
lm ː
ope ɛ
revc ɔ
rfa ɒ
schwa ə
sh ʃ
shti ɨ
shtu ɯ
sm ˈ
smpr ˈ
smm ˌ
smmpr ˌ
zh ʝ

# These are extras which aren't documented in the symbol list

th th
Th Th

ouml ö

oq ‘
cq ’

times ×

# Basic HTML entities
# TODO: generate these from http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/sgml/entities.html or http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-entity-names/
\#038 \&
oacu ó
ocirc ô

# notes:
# 'frown' is sad face circumflex ('inverted breve', in case of greek just use circumflex)
# 'tilde' is wiggly circumflex
# 'circ' is circumflex (^)
# 'dotab' is dot above
# 'asper' is asperated
# 'lenis' is non-asperated
# 'mac' is macron U+0304
# 'uml' is umlaut (e.g. diaeresis)
# 'ang' is ring above
# 'ced' is cedilla e.g. garcon
# 'breve' U+0306
# 'ac' acute U+0301

# unknown:
# pr
# sc
# ced

# going through in alphabetical order
\#038 \&
\#062 >
aacu á
Aacu Á
aang å
Aang Å
aasper ἁ
Aasper Ἁ
aasperacu ἅ
Aasperacu Ἅ
aasperfrown ἇ
aaspergrav ἃ
aasperisubacu ᾅ
Abarab Ā
abreve ă
Abreve Ă
aced a̧
acirc â
Acirc Â
adotab ȧ
ae æ
aeacu ǽ
aebreve æ̆
aecirc æ̂
aedotab æ̇
aemac ǣ
aemacbreve æ̆
aetilte æ̃
Ae Æ
Aeacu Ǽ
Aemac Ǣ
aepr ɶ
afrown â
Afrown Â
agrave à
Agrave À
ahacek ǎ
ahook ả
ahookmac ả̄
aisub ᾳ
aisubacu ᾴ
aisubfrown ᾰͅ
aisubtilde ᾷ
alenis ἀ
Alenis Ἀ
alenisacu ἄ
Alenisacu Ἄ
alenisfrown ἆ
alenisgrave ἂ
alenisisub ᾀ
alenisisubacu ᾄ
alenisisubfrown ᾆ
alenismac ᾱ̓
alpha α
Alpha Α
amac ā
Amac Ā
amacacu ā́
amacbreve ā̆
amacdotab ā̇
amactilde ā̃
amacundl ā̲
asg ᵹ
Asg Ᵹ
atilde ã
auml ä
Auml Ä
aundl a̲
ayin ʿ
ayindotabove ʿ̇
bbar ƀ
beta β
Beta Β
bundl b̲
cacu ć
cbr }
cbreve c̆
Cbreve C̆
cced ç
Cced Ç
ccirc ĉ
cdotab ċ
cdotbl c̣
chacek č
Chacek Č
chacekdotab č̇
chi χ
Chi Χ
chook ƈ
cmac c̄
ctilde c̃
cyra а
cyrd д
cyre э
cyrhard ъ
cyrjat ѣ
cyrm м
cyrn н
cyrO О
cyrP П
cyrr р
cyrsoft ь
cyrt т
cyry ы
dbar đ
dced ḑ
ddotab ḋ
ddotbl ḍ
Ddotbl ḍ
delta δ
Delta Δ
devdh ध
devph फ
devrfls ष
devrt ट
devrth ठ
devt त
devth थ
digamma ͷ
dlessi ı
dlessj3 ȷ
dtilde d̃
dundl ḏ
eacu é
Eacu É
eacudotbl ẹ́
easper ἑ
Easper Ἑ
easperacu ἕ
Easperacu Ἕ
easpergrave ἓ
ebreve ĕ
ecirc ê
Ecirc Ê
egrave è
edh ð
Edh Ð
edotab ė
edotabacu ė́
edotabtilde ė̃
edotbl ẹ
Edotbl Ẹ
edotblmac ẹ̄
egrave è
egsampi ͳ
egy3 ꜣ
egyasper ꜥ
ehacek ě
ehook ẻ
Ehook Ẻ
ehookacu ẻ́
ehookmac ẻ̄
ehookmacbreve ẻ̄̆
emac ē
Emac Ē
emacacu ḗ
emacbreve ē̆
emachacek ē̌
epsilon ε
Epsilon Ε
epsiloncirc ε̂
eszett ß
eta η
Eta Η
etaisub ῃ
etilde ẽ
euml ë
eumlacu ë́
eundl e̱
eundlacu é̱
fata ɑ
fatatilde ɑ̃
ffilig ffi
ffllig ffl
fllig fl
fsigma ς
gaacu ά
gabreve ᾰ
gacu ǵ
gafrown ᾶ
gagrave ὰ
gamac ᾱ
gamacbreve ᾱ̆
gamma γ
Gamma Γ
gaumlisub αͺ̈
gbreve ğ
Gbreve Ğ
gcirc ĝ
gdotab ġ
geacu έ
gegrave ὲ
ghacek ǧ
ghacu ή
ghfrown ῆ
ghgrave ὴ
ghmac η̄
giacu ί
gibreve ῐ
gibreveacu ῐ́
gifrown ῖ
gigrave ὶ
gimac ῑ
gimacacu ῑ́
giuml ϊ
giumlacu ΐ
giumlgrave ῒ
glagjat ⱑ
glagjeri ⱐ
glagjeru ⱏ
glots ʔ
gmac ḡ
goacu ό
gobreve ο̆
gograve ὸ
gt >
guacu ύ
guacumac ύ̄
gubreve ῠ
gufrown ῦ
gugrave ὺ
gumac ῡ
gumacacu ῡ́
gundl g̲
Gundl G̲
guuml ϋ
guumlacu ΰ
gwacu ώ
gwfrown ῶ
gwgrave ὼ
hasper ᾑ
Hasper Ἡ
hasperacu ἥ
Hasperacu Ἥ
hasperfrown ἧ
hasperisubfrown ᾗ
hbar ħ
Hbrbl Ḫ
hdotab ḣ
hdotbl ḥ
Hdotbl Ḥ
hebtav ת
hgz 𝔷
hireq ִ
hisub ῃ
hisubacu ῄ
hisubfrown ῇ
hlenis ἠ
Hlenis Ἠ
hlenisacu ἤ
hlenisfrown ἦ
hlenisgrave ἢ
hundl ẖ
iacu í
Iacu Í
iasper ἱ
Iasper Ἱ
iasperacu ἵ
Iasperacu Ἵ
iasperfrown ἷ
ibar ɨ
ibreve ĭ
Ibreve Ĭ
ibrevemac ĭ̄
iced i̧
icirc î
Icirc Î
ifflig ff
ifilig fi
ifrbl ḭ
igrave ì
ihacek ǐ
ilenis ἰ
Ilenis Ἰ
ilenisacu ἴ
Ilenisacu Ἴ
ilenisfrown ἶ
ilenismac ἰ̄
ilenismacacu ἰ̄́
imac ī
Imac Ī
imacacu ī́
imacbreve ī̆
imachacek ī̌
imacuml ī̈
imacundl ī̲
iota ι
Iota Ι
istlig st
itilde ĩ
iuml ï
iundl i̲
jbreve j̆
jhacek ǰ
jundl j̲
kappa κ
Kappa Κ
kdotbl ḳ
Kdotbl Ḳ
kundl ḵ
Kundl K̲
lambda λ
Lambda Λ
lbar ł
Lbar ᴌ
lcircbl l̥
ldotbl ḷ
lm ː
longs ſ
lt <
lumlbl l̤