#!/usr/bin/tclsh # See COPYING file for copyright and license details. package require Tk set bins {{getgbook "Google Book ID" "Google\nBook Preview" \ "http*://books.google.com/*" {[&?]id=([^&]*)}} \ {getabook "ISBN 10" "Amazon Look\nInside The Book" \ "http*://*amazon*/*" {/([0-9]{10})/}} \ {getbnbook "ISBN 13" "Barnes & Noble\nBook Viewer" \ "http*://www.barnesandnoble.com/*" ""}} set binselected 0 set dling 0 set manual 0 set env(PATH) "[file dirname $::argv0]:$env(PATH)" set iconpath "[file dirname $::argv0]/icons" proc updateStatus {chan} { global dling if {![eof $chan]} { set a [gets $chan] if { $a != "" } { .st configure -text $a } } else { if { ! [catch {close $chan}] } { .st configure -text "[.input.id get] Done" } .dl configure -state normal -text "Download" set dling 0 } } proc go {} { global dling binselected bins if { [.input.id get] == "" } { return } set cmd "[lindex [lindex $bins $binselected] 0] [.input.id get]" set dling 1 .dl configure -state disabled -text "Downloading" .st configure -text "" set out [open "|$cmd 2>@1" "r"] fileevent $out readable [list updateStatus $out] } proc parseurl {url} { global bins for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $bins]} {incr i} { set b [lindex $bins $i] if { [string match [lindex $b 3] "$url"] } { selbin $i set binregex [lindex $b 4] if {"$binregex" != "" && [regexp "$binregex" $url m sub]} { .input.id delete 0 end .input.id insert 0 "$sub" } } } } proc watchsel {} { global dling manual if { !$dling && !$manual && \ ! [catch {set sel "[clipboard get -type UTF8_STRING]"}] } { parseurl "$sel" } after 500 watchsel } proc selbin {sel} { global bins binselected .binfr.$binselected configure -relief flat set binselected $sel .binfr.$binselected configure -relief solid .input.lab configure -text [lindex [lindex $bins $sel] 1] } frame .input label .input.lab entry .input.id -width 14 frame .binfr for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $bins]} {incr i} { set b [lindex $bins $i] set binname [lindex $b 0] if { [catch {image create photo im$i -file "$iconpath/$binname.gif"}] } { image create photo im$i } button .binfr.$i -text [lindex $b 2] -image im$i \ -command "selbin $i" -compound top -relief flat pack .binfr.$i -side left bind .binfr.$i {set manual 1} bind .binfr.$i