#!/bin/sh # See COPYING file for copyright and license details. # # Makes a PDF with embedded text extracted by tesseract # Requires imagemagick, pdftk, hocr2pdf and tesseract 3 # # Note: Unfortunately tesseract works much better if one first # makes the image to be OCRed significantly larger. This # script does that, then reduces the results back down # to create a reasonable size PDF. echo 'tessedit_create_hocr 1' > hocr for i in `ls *png` do # create a much bigger version of the page image width=`identify "$i" | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/x.*//'` bigwidth=`expr $width \* 4` convert "$i" -geometry ${bigwidth}x "$i.big.png" # scan the page image tesseract "$i.big.png" "$i.big.png" hocr 2>&1 | sed '/Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine/d' # this reduces all bbox information to match the original image size sedrule=`cat "$i.big.png.html" \ | sed -e 's/ "$i.html" # combine the image and hocr into a pdf page # Note: hocr2pdf has a habit of segfaulting, so fall back to convert hocr2pdf -i "$i" -o "$i.pdf" < "$i.html" || convert "$i" "$i.pdf" # remove working files rm -f "$i.big.png" "$i.big.png.html" "$i.html" done # cat the pdf pages together pdftk *pdf cat output book.pdf rm -f [0-9]*pdf hocr