order is available even for pages that don't have src. check this, and if so rewrite getpagedetails to set it even if no src (rather than just bailing) use order to be able to use real page numbers (getpagecode) to find this advance through click3 letter by letter until either } (none found) or strcmp "order" # once it is basically working # to be fast and efficient it's best to crank through all the json 1st, filling in an array of page structs as we go this requires slightly fuller json support could consider making a json reading module, ala confoo, to make ad-hoc memory structures from json to be super fast we could have 2 threads, one filling the pages structs and one consuming them. this would complicate the code rather, though NOTE: there's now a new api that returns json. it requires https, which we don't yet support. https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=isbn:1589235126 https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes/jglfL_eVG4cC