To cross compile for Windows, the following needs to be done: 1) Download the needed build dependencies from and unpack them into the getxbook directory 2) Uncomment all lines under 'mingw' in Then 'make' and 'make dist-win' should all work as expected --- # More information about the necessary files for Windows builds OpenSSL is needed to link the windows builds to, as mingw doesn't include it. This needs to be cross compiled with mingw by running the following from an OpenSSL source directory: ./Configure mingw --cross-compile-prefix=i686-w64-mingw32- make Tclkit and SDX are used to create a self contained executable with the GUI and all needed tools. Unfortunately these days working builds are difficult to find. Two different versions of Tclkit are required: a native one, to get the SDX packer to work, and a Windows version including Tk, to package into the final executable. Both Tclkits can be downloaded from: sdx can be downloaded from: