/* * This file is part of GetHT * * See COPYING file for copyright, license and warranty details. * */ #define XML_TOC_URI "http://www.hinduismtoday.com/digital/htde_toc.xml" #define ISS_XML_FILE "htde_toc.xml" #define STR_MAX 512 #include #include struct proxy_options { char type; char auth; char address[STR_MAX]; long port; char user[STR_MAX]; char pass[STR_MAX]; }; struct config { char toc_xml[STR_MAX]; char issue_uri[STR_MAX]; char save_path[STR_MAX]; struct proxy_options proxy; int startup_check; int verbose; int quiet; CURL *curl_handle; }; typedef struct { int year; int firstmonth; int lastmonth; } issdates; typedef struct { int firstpage; int lastpage; char * title; } it; typedef struct { char uri[512]; char title[512]; int number; int size; it ** item; int no_of_items; } sec; typedef struct { char preview_uri[512]; char title[512]; int size; issdates date; sec ** section; int no_of_sections; } iss; iss ** parsetoc(char *filepath, int * iss_no); iss ** assignnew_iss(iss ** issue, int *no_of_issues); sec ** assignnew_sec(sec ** section, int * no_of_sections); it ** assignnew_it(it ** item, int * no_of_items); int updateconfig(char * getht_path, struct config * options); int loadconfig(char * getht_path, struct config * options); int writefreshconfig(char * getht_path, struct config * options); void showusage(); void downloadissue(struct config * options, iss * issue, int force); char * getissuedir(struct config * options, iss * issue); void downloadsection(struct config * options, sec * section, char * downdir, int force); void list_issues(iss ** issue, int no_of_issues, int verbose); int save_file(char *uri, char *filepath, char *filetitle, long resume_offset, struct config * options); int ready_xml(char * filepath, char * rootnode, xmlDocPtr * file, xmlNodePtr * node); int issuesort(iss ** issue, int no_of_issues);