== PROCEDURE FOR MAKING A NEW RELEASE == - Version Number - 1. Set version number in source file src/version.h 2. Tag current commit in git git-tag -s vX.X - Source Tarball - 1. Create a clean tarball, and sign & checksum it ./prepare-release.sh 2. Upload tarball & related files scp getht-*.tar.bz2* @dl.sv.nongnu.org:/releases/getht/ - Webpages - 1. Get downloads webpage wget http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/getht/ 2. Add new version information 3. Upload updated webpage scp index.html @dl.sv.nongnu.org:/releases/getht/ 4. Take screenshot of new version 5. Upload new screenshot cvs commit - Infrastructure - 1. Add to new version option to bug tracker https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/admin/field_values.php?group_id=9005&list_value=1&field=release_id - Announcement - 1. Post news to mailing list getht-general@nongnu 2. Post news to Savannah https://savannah.nongnu.org/news/submit.php?group=getht 3. Post new version to the following directories: Freshmeat: http://freshmeat.net/add-release/64475/ IceWalkers: http://www.icewalkers.com/submit.php SourceWell: http://sourcewell.berlios.de/updapp.php?id=3655 - Clean up - 1. Delete local copy of release files rm index.html getht-*.tar.bz2* - Packaging - 1. Update packages maintained