!! BIG BUG !!
read media xml crashes, as cannot find any issue info, so sets issue & leaves an item with all blank fields
a few things to fix with this:

	read rev:
		at the moment looks for
			set the filename of player \"player1\" to \"%s\"
			set the filename of player \"player1\" to \"
		however, "player1" has now been changed to "PubDesk"
		therefore change scanning routine to along the lines of
			set the filename of player \"*\" to \"%s\"
		more complex but worthwhile
		if no url is found inside a "on mouseUp" clause, do not keep a blank media entry
		best way to do this would be to:
			dealloc the media item,
			realloc the pointer array,
			and -1 to no_of_media

further progress:
-	main obstacle is that "on mouseUp" no longer necessarily follows a newline - file now less organised still
	therefore we'll have to scan each line (except when already in useful clause (check this)) char by char for the occurance
	best way to do this would be to scan char by char, and if one worthwhile is found to copy from this point to a new string for parsing
	worth spending a few minutes checking if there's a library function out there to do this, if not create a simple generic one, using pointers, roughly of the form:
		int containstring(char * toparse, char * match), returning 1 if found and 0 otherwise
-	change of scanning routine has been done, but is untested
	consider changing for an improved getquote which can take the nth quote
		this is due to it being best not to rely on end of lines at end of bit we're interested in
-	2nd clause of above (if no url is found) is very important now, as majority are unuseful

currently (16/08/2007):

the strcontains does not appear to be working correctly; appears to accept any line as a match
this then creates a bunch of structures, which eventually become confused
	this may point to some niggling bug in the memory management, but for the moment focus on correct basic rev parsing

currently (28/11/2007):

strcontains works mostly - check the TODO
the sscanf for extracting uri isn't working - best to just have a slightly more sophisticated getquote function
next actions:
	/no_of_media strangely changes where it's pointing to to be "out of bounds" half way through
	/	always gets stuck on 'Geometry'
	/	must have an overflow, prob in strcontains (only happens when it's used lots)
	/	rewrite strcontains using array arithmetic - easier to maintain
	/ensure whole lines are always parsed (not just first parts thereof) [should now be done]
	/	to test search output for 1st reference to Publisher, and see if a few lines above is a successful on mouseUp recognition
	/	get rid of ugly & unnecessary extra checks, which are put there just to ensure nothing bad happens in the delicate phase

currently (09/12/2007)

strcontains has been rewritten to use friendly arrays; appears to work fine (though not heavily tested)
getting a str has been rewritten into a function: gzgetstr ; appears to work fine thouth also not well tested

note - arch changes they've made:
only one regular media item (in form of earlier)
now a new "songs" section, with neat urls following "SongsURLs" (when not in on mouseUp section)
	song titles follow, again on separate neat lines, but without any easy delimiter to hook on to
there is also a video section in a "on menupick pItem" clause
	different syntax to traditional
	has to work out url using quality choices from pItem (high, med, low; given below)
	won't be too hard, just be somewhat tricky to get the different options (start with them hardcoded, i.e. on "put tSize & '.mov' after tURL" just make 3 items with high, med, & low qualities
there is also an interviews section, which looks very similar to Songs (InterviewsURLs)
	note that interview names are encased in html
there are also thumbnail jpgs, but they needn't be handled for a while

next actions:
	improve getquote to point where sscanf line is replaced [e.g. allow to only return quote n (and ignore prev)]
	only include stack if it has a uri attached (otherwise throw away)


getquote has been rewritten to extract an arbitrary quote n
empty uri strings are ignored

TODO w/bugs

we should be able to read rev.gz / xml from hd, to save time & server hitting with testing