!! BIG BUG !! read media xml crashes, as cannot find any issue info, so sets issue & leaves an item with all blank fields a few things to fix with this: read rev: at the moment looks for set the filename of player \"player1\" to \"%s\" set the filename of player \"player1\" to \" however, "player1" has now been changed to "PubDesk" therefore change scanning routine to along the lines of set the filename of player \"*\" to \"%s\" more complex but worthwhile -also- if no url is found inside a "on mouseUp" clause, do not keep a blank media entry best way to do this would be to: dealloc the media item, realloc the pointer array, and -1 to no_of_media read media xml: should not segfault if it finds an empty item prob needs to check that string is not blank before trying to copy info further progress: - main obstacle is that "on mouseUp" no longer necessarily follows a newline - file now less organised still therefore we'll have to scan each line (except when already in useful clause (check this) char by char for the occurance best way to do this would be to scan char by char, and if one worthwhile is found to copy from the start to a new string for parsing worth spending a few minutes checking if there's a library function out there to do this, if not create a simple generic one, using pointers, roughly of the form: int containstring(char * toparse, char * match), returning 1 if found and 0 otherwise - change of scanning routine has been done, but is untested consider changing for an improved getquote which can take the nth quote this is due to it being best not to rely on end of lines at end of bit we're interested in - 2nd clause of above (if no url is found) is very important now, as majority are unuseful